03 October 2009

Hate/Love: Rachel Zoe


I know I know, you'd all thought I left Hay! Andy for dead! Well au contraire! This bitch is back! Welcome to H!A 2.0

So, you've voted (well 6 of you) and the winner was: I hate/love Rachel Zoe...so here you go dears! Hope you're as excited as I am!

Hate/Love: Rachel Zoe

What can I say? I've really wrestled with this for a long time. After first hearing about her a few years ago I thought, "Hmph, another bitch who stole my dream job." Then of course there were all the scandals about her make her clients look just like her: GIANT head, fetus body, big sunglasses, bigger hair, feet of a small elephant...And let's not forget that Boho Chic has NEVER been one of my favorite looks, that Hippy Dippy stuff makes me vom.

All of this in combination with her obnoxious voice, her serious case of the Madonnas (homegirl is from New Jersey...please), and her label whoreness that even I can't aspire to.

Not much to like right?

Well after having way too much time on my hands (time spent not updating my blog...woops!) and watching a few episodes of the new season of The Rachel Zoe Project, two things happened:

1) I was totally charmed by Brad, her openly bespectacled chief homo
2) I realized that she doesn't really take herself too seriously

Now granted watching hour after hour of her gets a bit grating (the deadpan voice is like... shutting...my...ears...........down...) made only worse by her blonde minion with an attitude problem, Taylor. UGH her perpetually out of place side bangs and her love of skinny jeans and man voice SCREAM idiotic FIT girl, and I see enough of those on a day to day basis! I dislike her more than I ever disliked Rachel if only for her overuse of the overused phrase of the moment "It is what it is."

But through all this, I stayed to see what cute things Brad and his glasses did each week. Brad gets his dog groomed (aww!), Brad's dog has a pacemaker (double aww!!), Brad dances at Fashion Week like an adorable bobble head nerd (send that boy some champagne, compliments of H!A). And while I was watching him, I slowly realized that I didn't totally hate Rachel's style POV. She has some, lets say interesting ideas (I mean fur vest can be cute, in moderation, but her closet must look like a trunk from a Sonny and Cher tour), but she clearly knows her shit and even more importantly has the balls to call Karl Lagerfeld and ask HIM to change a dress. (!?!?!?!)


I mean, do you call up Michaelangelo and say "Hey, love what you're doing on the ceiling but could you make Adam's wang a little bigger?". NO
Would you stop Julia Child in the street and tell her that her recipe for coq au vin is dry and laborious?? NO

The nerve! It was RIVETING. So I got into the show, and the I followed her on twitter. And then came the final nail in the coffin. The last push that officially pushed me to the dark side.

Bitch went and tweeted this:

I. Di. Ed.

Not only is this a SPOT on imitation, but the fact that it came from the person itself that despite her inherent Muppetness, RZ doesn't take herself or the persona she's created too seriously. So despite all the drama, fainting every time Starbucks runs out of coffee stirrers, etc., she became somewhat of a real person in my mind.

She also tweeted this:

Even funnier than the first! Gotta say with that one she won me
over. So, is she still a Muppet with an oversize head, annoying voice and questionable taste in vests who needs to make cheeseburgers a part of her steady diet? Of course! But does she have a personality and can laugh at herself? Definitely.

So in the quesitons of hate/love, I'm gonna go with more love than hate...not much more but enough so that I'll stop bad mouthing her in public. (This rating was severely affected by a vomitose R Z telling a comatose as usual Taylor that she was her precious jewel or some crap, PUHLEASE) Is she the best stylist ever? She's a contender. Do I want her job? OF COURSE. If I write a blog post about her will I increase my chances of meeting Brad and his glasses? GOD I hope so!



    I knew you would warm up to her.

    Your #1 fan.

    Cuca COUTURE

  2. I agree wholeheartedly!! I totally didn't watch the first season and hated her and then I gave it a try this year and I don't hate her any more. Taylor is annoying as all shit and I want to to cut, color and deep conditioner her hair as well as smash all her sunglasses. Brad is adorable. The biggest prob is the way Rachel talks is so affected. Good one!
